Monday, August 7, 2017

Netflix Just Bought the Rights to Millarworld

Aside from the rather surprising news that the company is now $20 billion in debt*, Netflix has still been making the headlines for other reasons. Sure, there's the massive hype train circling the upcoming Defenders miniseries and the apparent increase in quality that their original films might see in the near future; but, that's not what I'm hear to talk about today. Instead, I'm hear to talk about what I find to be the streaming giant's most interesting announcement: their acquisition of Millarworld.

For the uninitiated, Millarworld is a comic universe consisting of titles and characters created by industry legend Mark Millar. And, for those who don't know who he is, he wrote the following comics**: Kick Ass, Wanted, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Civil War (yes, the Marvel one), and Old Man Logan. No word is out yet on which title will be first out of the gate; yet, it has been announced that the adaptations will include both movies and television shows.

Considering the diversity of the actual source material and how unique/deranged Millar is as a creative force, it'll definitely be interesting to see how all this plays out. Out of all the properties under this label, Nemesis might be the one I'm most excited for (both because of the potential inherent to the premise and because of how long this has spent in development hell).

*Source for the whole Netflix debt story: click here.
**All of the titles listed have been adapted into big movies.

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