For the sake of transparency, I would just like to let you know that my top priority with this review is to avoid the subjects of politics and race. All that I will say is that the everso comfortable blanket of satire does make the film's commentary on race relations both somewhat thought provoking as well as being just plain amusing. With that said, let's get the ball rolling.
Well, this year's critical darling and box office success story for the realm of horror cinema is finally out on Blu-Ray. So, I finally got around to watching it. What are my thoughts? Honestly, Get Out is really...
I know that's quite anticlimactic, hearing that I'm not as in love with this film as much as the rest of the film critic intelligentsia. In my humble opinion, this film is a decent little horror comedy that people are drooling over mainly because of the film's message regarding race. To be fair, that isn't to say acclaimed funnyman Jordan Peele's debut feature is bad by any means (it isn't). However, I still don't quite understand what's making everyone fall head over in love with this picture.
Since this is a horror movie filled to the brim with all sorts of twists and surprises, I'll keep my explanation of the premise quick. So, the basic idea here is essentially Meet The Parents crossed with The Stepford Wives (the good version from the 70s, not the dreadful remake starring Nicole Kidman and Matthew Broderick). While the film isn't particularly scary and only sporadically funny. it is really well made from a technical perspestive. Everything's very well shot and the score has its moments. Plus, there are some scenes that left me both startled and rolling on the floor laughing.

The best thing I can say about this film is that Jordan Peele gets what Sam Raimi and Joe Dante get about the horror genre: its that horror movies should be fun first and foremost. Within the film's 104 minute runtime, there are a number of amusing gags and jumpscares (to a degree where I question whether or not my enjoyment would have been boosted if I had experienced it with a crowd). Still, this is a fine enough directorial debut and I'm beyond curious to see what new tricks Mr. Peele has up his sleeve for his next outing.
GET OUT gets a...
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