You see that big tough guy up there with the absurdly oversized gun? THAT's Cable. Honestly, even as a comic book fan myself, I know little to nothing about this guy other that he's a cyborg from the future and that his numerous partnerships with Deadpool make them both essentially Marvel universe's equivalent to Riggs and Murtaugh from the Lethal Weapon movies. I'm happy to see that they've chosen Josh Brolin (a real heavy-hitter in the acting crowd) for this role and even curious, considering that this guy's going to play Thanos (the purple guy from the end of Avengers 1 & 2) in Avengers: Infinity War around the same time this is released into theaters.
Also, this discussion of Deadpool 2 casting has gotten me thinking about one question that hangs over every sequel: will it be too much like the original? Clearly, they're going to do some sort of expanding with this new follow-up; thus, I'm only referring to structure. While I'm still disappointed that they chose someone else to play Domino* over Mary Elizabeth Winstead (seriously, how anyone has an actress with her level of talent on a casting shortlist and doesn't choose her is mind-boggling to me), the cast still seems pretty okay. The thing that has me worried about stagnation in the sequel is that they might be repeating the same dynamic and story beats that Deadpool had with Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (go watch the first movie if you're in the dark on this) in the last one.
Now, don't get me wrong. The first Deadpool was a perfectly solid superhero parody that just so happened to take place within the universe of an actual superhero franchise; however, there are still plenty of things that could be (and should be) improved in future installments. Ultimately, in spite of my tangential ram blings, this is a good bit of casting and I'm hoping the actual film is good. I mean, David Leitch (the wunderkin behind the first John Wick and Atomic Blonde) is in the director's chair. So, it has to be worth something. We'll know for sure next year.
Source -> http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/04/12/deadpool-2-josh-brolin-cast-as-cable
*For the uninitiated, that's Domino. She's an assassin and one of Deadpool's many romantic interests.

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