Anyway, this movie was borderline brilliant. A work of beautiful art in the Star Wars universe. It wasn't cheesy, it wasn't cringey, and most importantly it was an original.
This was no plot duplicate like The Force Awakens was of A New Hope, the CGI was terrific, and so many cameos, even just simple ones, from the original films that drove me absolutely crazy with joy.
Also, a big score for me was the lack of romance in this film. There was little to none, and while there were some moments where I thought it was going to happen, it never did, and that's fine by me.
Characters were well developed, not to mention completely hardcore and awesome, and nearly succeeded at making me cry when they all died. And yes, literally everyone DIES. Anyone that had a major purpose in the movie, that is.. But I won't say why or how. You'll just have to watch to find out.
So yeah, spectacular film. Disney really outdid themselves with this work, and so I give it a 10/10. Well done Disney!
I loved seeing the zords come to life and then to see the megazord end the fight. I just wish I could have seen the actual transformation of the megazord, but the feeling of seeing it is all the same. Also, the Power Rangers were able to train too easily. I don't know how much time they were training for, but when I used to take fighting classes, I did not progress that quickly at all. Call me what you will, I didn't much care for that.
Saban's Power Rangers was still an amazing movie, especially for those who have past history with the Power Rangers series!
Also, the cameo in this movie is great. Try to see if you can find it. ;)
Doctor Strange is quite a beautiful work of art. When I watched it, I was just mindboggled at everything. It has excellent character development, awesome scenery, terrific acting, beautiful fighting scenes, and a plot so crazy that I never would have guessed it.
What I also loved about this movie was how at every turn it managed to make me ask "wait, WHAT". Many scenes actually had me questioning my own intelligence.
To sum it all up, absolutely terrific movie! I will be suggesting it to everyone that I can because it is just that worth it! And to anyone that plans to watch it and happens to be reading this review, 3D is a MUST.
And, those are just a few of his pieces. If you'd like to write something for Matinee Everyday, feel free to contact me. In the meantime, cheers!
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