My thoughts on this latest poster are pretty much the same as my thoughts on that first teaser poster (i.e. I admired how it conveyed such a foreboding prescience with just one word and an iconic object shrouded in darkness). Thus far, both of the posters for this have been suitably cryptic.
Okay, let's address the elephant in the room: James Franco is probably going to be the first one to die, given how sickly he looks here and how that guy in the first know, this guy...
...looks suspiciously like Franco). But, who knows? Maybe, I'm wrong. Anyway, back to the actual clip. From the looks of it, this is either just a good bit of viral marketing, like that faux TED-talk that was made for Prometheus back in 2012, or an actual scene from the movie. Either way, I dig it. I'm hoping it's part of the movie because it does a pretty good job of humanizing the Covenant's crew in less than five minutes, very much in the spirit of the earliest days of the franchise.
And now, lets get into the nitty-gritty. Outside of some questionable CGI and a bizarre music choice (that drumbeat feels just a tad conspicuous), I absolutely love this trailer. Of course being a Ridley Scott flick, the visuals are fantastic. We already knew that there were going to be different types of Xenomorphs*; that said, I'm more than pleased to see that we will be getting an appearance from the classic version probably at the end. Also, hey, it looks like Danny McBride might survive to the end. That's nifty. Overall, this seems to give me what I want from an Alien flick and I'm positively hyped for it. ALIEN: COVENANT drops into theaters on May 19.
*For the record, the new Neomorph and what I've dubbed the "spineburster" look pretty badass.
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