Practically on par with the original, Incredibles 2 does everything you'd want a sequel to do and then some. It brings back the core elements that made its predecessor work and is refined into a work that may go on to be regarded as even better than the first as the years pass. It builds on the character arcs in a satisfying way, it polishes the whole Silver Age Superheroes by way of Saul Bass and Frank Lloyd Wright aesthetic, and provides some observant drama involving parenting that's on par with the mid-life crisis business from the first film. Outside of a villain that doesn't feel fully fleshed out, this is a thoroughly entertaining flick with some slick, imaginative action setpieces and a gattling gun full of great jokes. Suffice it to say, this was worth the fourteen year wait and more proof that Brad Bird is one of the best talents modern animation has to offer (as if you needed it). Let's just hope it takes less time to get a third time.
[RATING: 4 Lack of Funny Rating Ideas out of 5]
How a film this stupid can be as well-directed as it is will forever remain a mystery. I mean the screenplay is a clunky mess, some of the effects are iffy, and the attempts at social commentary feel like they couldn’t have been more than an afterthought. But, I’d be lying to you and myself if I said I didn’t have a ball with this. Still, the actors pulling this nonsense off with a straight face makes said nonsense even more entertaining and there are a couple great setpieces (I’m predicting the climax inside the mansion is going to terrify a whole bunch of kids). Why people take this franchise so seriously is beyond me. Also, I have a hunch people are going to be steamed at the ending for the next couple years. Without spoiling anything, it’s the stupid cherry on top of a very dumb sundae.
[RATING: 2.5 Hybrid Dinosaurs out of 5]
Plays more like a demo reel barely held together by a narrative that’s not really worth putting thought into. The script’s about on par with an episode of Girls. Seriously, they literally use the words “as you know” in the dialogue. That’s the level of laziness we got here. Anchored by a lead performance that’s dead in the water from the moment her character first appears on-screen and a soundtrack that’s pure chillwave whitenoise, this thing is utterly boring and my patience was already being tested at the ten minute mark. It’s got all the visual panache of the average perfume commercial, it’s hollow and kind of pointless by the time it’s over. Whatever, man. You've seen this done before and better elsewhere.
[RATING: 2 LA Noir Drone-cores out of 5]
Like Me is a film I almost feel like I shouldn’t be reviewing. Not because it feels perverse or scandalous (although you could make an argument that it’s both of those things), but rather because I don’t know exactly what to make of it. No matter how hard you may end up trying to, I can promise you won’t forget that’s for sure. Slightly obvious yet still worthwhile social commentary on the way social media warps our psychology interrupted by moments where everything goes into full-on abstract nightmare territory. Absorbing and bugnuts insane, you’re not going to find another movie quite like this year or any other.
[RATING: 4 Deranged Viral Sensations out of 5]
Better than the mediocre trailers and premise suggest, this is a fun and funny way to kill 100 minutes. Hannibal Buress and Isla Fisher are the MVPs (one with an endless stream of amusing non-sequitors and the other with surprising ferocity that's used for some really good laughs). Also, seeing Jeremy Renner play tag with Terminator-like precision backed up by cocky narration is kind of a thing to behold. For what its worth, I’m holding out hope that this and Game Night are a sign that comedies are being steered in a more creative direction than two-hour improv sets thinly held together by plots that may as well be non-existent.
[RATING: 3.5 Hannibal Buress Non Sequiturs out of 5]
That's all I have for now. Stay tuned for part two! Thanks for reading and (as always) fly casual!